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Scholastic Challenge 2025
February 10 Update

Our Tech support team has asked us to contact you because three schools have had some students who had issues when accessing the contest. As a result, they have made security adjustments to the server settings, and have asked teachers to do the following:

1) ask your students to clear their browser cache (or try accessing our site in incognito/private mode)

2) make sure students access the contest using the correct URL:

3) make sure that students enter usernames that consist of 3 letters followed by 3 numbers (example: abc001, not abcOO1, or abcoo1)

We hope that attention to these details will help to make your student's contest experience enjoyable and problem free.

Thank you for your participation.


The American Scholastic Achievement League extends to you an invitation to enter your students in Scholastic Challenge 2025 taking place online in February, 2025 For the past twenty-four years, eighth grade students have been provided with an entertaining and challenging enrichment activity that allows them to demonstrate a variety of problem solving skills and knowledge in many academic areas. Fourteen years ago, we introduced a second division that is designed to academically challenge students in the sixth grade.

Your students will enjoy competing in our online competition with other sixth grade or eighth grade students in schools everywhere. They will be able to compete as individuals and also as members of your school's team in a unique, interesting and educational program.

Trophies, plaques, medals, and certificates will be awarded for achievement in individual and school team categories in both the 6th grade and 8th grade divisions.

To register your sixth grade or eighth grade students, or both, please select the grade appropriate Teacher Registration link from our navigation above, and complete and submit by December 15, 2024.

It is our hope that Scholastic Challenge 2025 will stimulate your students' quest for knowledge, and provide them with the joy and satisfaction of meeting new academic challenges.
We look forward to your participation.