Oak Hill Academy Eighth Grader Receives State Trophy in American Scholastic Challenge
Oak Hill’s own Jake Fradkin (Manalapan) received the highest score in the state and was thereby named New Jersey State Champion!
Middletown, NJ
By Oak Hill Academy (Star Patcher) - May 13, 2016 10:20 am ET
In February 2016, 14,000 middle school students across the country participated in the American Scholastic Challenge sponsored by the American Scholastic Achievement League. The purpose of the contest is to provide eighth grade students with an entertaining and challenging enrichment activity that allows them to demonstrate a variety of problem solving skills and knowledge in many academic areas. The 100 question online test covered a range of subjects including language & literature, geography, history, science, mathematics, and general knowledge (i.e. food, art, sports, music, current events, entertainment, and mythology.) Students who participated were treated to a movie and party at school immediately after completing the online test.
Oak Hill’s own Jake Fradkin (Manalapan) received the highest score in the state and was thereby named New Jersey State Champion! In fact, 83% of the Oak Hill Academy eighth graders who signed up to participate received scores above the national average. Jake and the other students were given their awards at Oak Hill’s Academic Awards Assembly on June 2, 2016. Congratulations students!
2016 American Scholastic Challenge
St. Rita School’s 8th grader, Ava Fornara, winner the of 2016 American Scholastic Challenge for the State of Ohio!
For the past fifteen years, eighth grade students have been provided with an entertaining and challenging enrichment activity that allows them to demonstrate a variety of problem solving skills and knowledge in many academic areas.
Students enjoy competing in the online competition with other eighth grade students in schools everywhere. They compete as individuals and also as members of the school's team in a unique, interesting and educational program.